When I first started my own genealogy research I really didn't know what I was looking to find. By that point both of my parents and all of my grandparents had already past away. Like most people I never took the time to ask many questions. I was only 22 when my maternal grandmother Katherine KLEIN passed away. But for some reason thirteen year before I even knew what the Internet was, when my nanny, as we called her was getting very ill and we knew that she wouldn't be with us much longer I asked her for her parents names and my grandfather's parents names.
On a piece of notebook pad written in green ink that I still have, I had written Luis Klein and Olga Dihl as my grandmother's parents. I can remember still to this day that I had asked her about the spelling of the names. She was very clear about the way her maiden name was spelt because all of her life people had been spelling it KLIEN instead of KLEIN. She would also have this problem with her married name STRETZ. The number of ways that people would spell STRETZ was unbelievable. I can attest to this even now as I do my genealogy research on my STRETZ lineage. The name has been mangled from the very first records I can find on my grandfathers family. There are records that I can not find and I know it is because of the spelling.
I feel like I have been very lucky in my genealogy research. I have hundreds if not thousands of documents on the 596 people that are currently in my family tree. There are many more names to be added to my tree but I haven't had the time. Or as I do my research I wander from family to family as I find more documents so the list is ever growing. All of my research has been in the US. I've yet to take that giant leap across the ocean but one day I will.
If you've been researching for very long you may know how hard it sometimes can be to find out the town or village that your ancestor immigrated from. All of my people immigrated from Germany. Up until last year I thought that all of my ancestors immigrated from Germany. I recently found out that my paternal Great Grandmother is from France. I haven't found the documents yet to either prove or disapprove this.
Now back to my Deihl family. My grandmothers grandfather was Carl Deihl. His father was Karl August Deihl. This information I stumbled across when Ancestry added the passport records last year. In this one document I found out my 3rd great grandfathers name and the town he was from in Germany.
Kaiserslantern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany The spelling may be off because I had a hard time finding anything out about this town.
Carl Deihl was also know as Charles Diehl. The spelling changes with each document I have. I also learned that he lived in Connecticut before moving to Queens New York.
I have not been able to find any passenger lists for the family. Carl and his wife Catherine along with 5 of their children immigrated in 1892.
If you have ever come across this family in any of your research please contact me or leave a comment here on this blog post.
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