The power of genealogy message boards is unbelievable. What you might not know..Read below. 1) Messages posted to a message board stay on the server as long as that server is in existence . Case in point I started doing my own research back in 1999. Every message I ever posted is still right there for the world to see ten years later. 2) One of the most important things about using a message board is to have a current email address. What do I mean by this? I know with the way the internet has changed over the years people change internet providers frequently . Maybe you upgraded to high speed and gave up your old email address. This can be a big mistake. Let me explain why..... You posted a message trying to find a connection to your elusive KLEIN ancestor. You didn't have much info at the time except for a name, date of birth and a place of birth that your grandmother KLEIN had written down in a journal about her favorite aunt. Sometimes that's all the info any...